tra famiglia e sport
My name is Matteo Buccione, I am a Junior Architect and Roberto, former Olympic athlete, is my father. I was born in Legnago (Vr) in May 1981, I have always lived in Grottaferrata where I also work.
I used to practice fencing on an international level and I was also part of the Carabinieri sports group; in the same period I graduated as a surveyor at the Istituto Tecnico Buonarroti in Frascati.
I cannot forget the endless afternoons spent in the gym in Frascati and the unforgettable trips for all the competitions over the world. It was definitely an important and useful experience which contributed to my personal growth during my youth and today, as a father.
Once I stopped training, I enrolled at the University and I started studying to learn the fundamentals of the job; the plano-altimetric surveys on the athletic tracks to be restored were the real first steps on the construction site. Gradually I moved from athletic tracks to the gyms and swimming pools built in the Castelli Romani area. It was a period of study with the different exams at the University that was combined with the real experience of the projects presented in our architecture studio.
In 2011 I graduated as junior architect and shortly after I formed my family.
Having practiced sport during my youth has certainly helped me to become a technician of sports and training facilities.